Organ Pipes at Gawler Ranges and a pocket of flowers.

The main purpose of the trek was to see the Gawler Ranges which we didn't have time for last year. But I have to say it was not as good as we had hoped. We did enjoy the drive over to there though and outside the park it has some nice rock features too.


The great formations at Pildappa Rock

The best around here was Pildappa Rock that most don't even know about. It is a huge rock formation just sticking out of the surrounding wheat fields. They provide a couple of shelters and pit toilets there and it is well worth walking around and over the rock. We camped right at the base which meant I didn't have far to walk when talking the sunset and then sunrise shots the next morning.


Looking down on our camp from the top and the deadly Red Back spider.

There are some more rock formations in the area which are good to explore. We had picked up the information in Ceduna the year before but you should be able to pick it up in Minnipa as well. There was nothing open when we were there as it was Christmas day. We only just made it to the next town with only 2 litres left in the tank and that road house was about to close as well. It was the first time we had seen tar and any fuel available in the 2-3 days since last re-fuelling.


Looking around Tcharkulda Rock.

