I clean a small area where the plug welds are to get the best penetration. Started using this right angle grinder I picked up in England for a souvenir to knock down the welds to almost flush. Believe it or not but the discs I use on it were once 9" cut off wheels! Once they wear down to 5" I use them in my smaller 5" grinder until 3" in size, then on this. Fortunately I had saved all these small ones over the years to use one day.


So one whole frame rail completely replaced and half of the other. The remaining original rail is in good condition. Notice the rust holes in the floor though. I was going to leave the floor for whoever bought it to replace as didn't know if it was going to a restorer or someone who wanted a cool looking camper trailer. Well it just got sold and they want me to replace the floor for them.


I cut it out along with the floor braces even though they were still in very good condition. They didn't however fit the new floor profile planned as they were pressed to support the ribs. My old Jeep gets pressed into service to pickup a brand new checker plate floor guillotined to my specifications.


Even though brand new, any loose scale needs to be removed for the paint to stick well. It killed my wire wheel though and I looked like a echidna with steel spikes implanted into my overalls everywhere! Out comes the bigger one and nearly finished doing both sides.


Underside gets a coat of zinc so areas over the floor braces etc get protected. The bottom of the front wall needs to be replaced.

